Touchscapes is an sound installation that I developed that transforms touch into sound. Participants interact with selected items built into instruments — outfitted with microphones and effect chains plugged into Marshall amps to explore how the simplest contact can generate astonishingly diverse soundscapes in real time. This interactive experience blurs the lines between the tactile and the auditory, inviting users to listen and touch in sensory discovery.

During the experience developed for and showcased by Marshall at their annual gathering, all touches and their corresponding sounds were recorded. Participants were later transferred to a villa in the suburban area of Stockholm, which featured a hidden Michelin restaurant inside. The installation experience continued there with sets built into recording rooms where the sounds from the installation were produced into instrumentals for participants to record tracks over while being fed. Accompanying the participants, there were artist performances to be discovered throughout the villa, including the garage entrance, on the roof, the basement, and other rooms.






Experience Design



Sound installation


Audiovisual Artist


Experience Design


Sound Installation

Audiovisual artist

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Website designed and engineered by Artan Mansouri.
All Rights Reserved.
Website designed and engineered by Artan Mansouri.
‍All Rights Reserved.
All projects are created through CC Studios
Showcase designed and engineered by Artan Mansouri.