Every year, Spotifiers—affectionately known as band members—gather for Spotify Hack Week. My team, CC, designed a concept for the 2024 Hack Week which, built by another team, was honored as the winning entry.
Insight:In the digital age, people are exposed to content that aligns with their beliefs, forming filter bubbles. Audience data show there is a longing to break free from these bubbles and seek diverse perspectives, genuine connections and being part of larger cultural context.
Challenge:Facilitate meaningful connections and empower users to explore and connect within a larger cultural context.
Idea:Spin a globe (It’s fun to spin) and choose an location to see what is most popular tracks there and what's currently trending.With another spin you are now in the mountain tops of Venzuela listening to fresh finds.
Why we love it: It aligns with our mission to assist people in discovering new and fresh music that would have been difficult to find without our platform, but in an unexpected and fun way.